With interest rates low, should I buy dividend paying stocks instead of bonds?
With interest rates low, should I buy dividend paying stocks instead of bonds? No. Dividend-paying stocks are stocks not bonds and cannot be counted on to provide the stability good quality bond holdings have provided. Dividend paying stocks are every bit as risky as the rest of the stock market. Why? Dividend-paying stocks are a minority…
Read MorePreparation is key to financial success
Preparation is key If you have ever attended a closely-matched sporting contest and witnessed a buzzer-beating shot in basketball, an extra inning baseball game, or a shootout in a championship soccer match, it is an experience you are unlikely to forget. In fact, if you take a minute to reflect on it, you will likely…
Read MoreWhat will the market do now?
With two one-day declines of 1,000+ points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average recently, the media is full of people asking and answering the question, “What will the market do now?” It is an intriguing question, but for true investors, it is not a question that requires an accurate answer. What will the market do…
Read MoreWhich presidential candidates will be good, or bad, for the markets?
We should all treasure our right to vote and exercise that right with great forethought. You, our clients, are intelligent, well-educated, patriotic Americans who want the best for this country. Many of you risked your lives or lost loved ones to preserve our democracy. This election is important. We are confident you will cast…
Read MoreWhy rebalancing can help when markets decline
Markets are quick to react to change and current events causing them to rise and fall frequently and sometimes substantially. This summer’s double digit decline in U.S. stocks is just the latest example. Such swift declines can add to a sense of chaos and make investors uneasy. As chaotic as markets can be, if we…
Read MoreWhy investng in global markets is important
In times of calm, the rationality of a prudent, long term strategic plan is pretty obvious. However, we can easily be forced out of our comfort zone in the face of unpleasant news. The summer of 2015 is the latest in an extensive list of time periods which provided ample opportunity for short term concern…
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