Major changes to Social Security: How do they affect you?

Making News… We  produce regular Q&A columns for Florida Today and MarketWatch, a personal finance website of the Wall Street Journal, as well as pieces for Financial Advisor magazine and Nerd Wallet among others. Here is a sampling from the last three months. Here we discuss major changes to social security. Make a plan before required minimum distributions kick in How to avoid penalties on early…

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Should I be concerned about recent market behavior?

Major market related news this quarter included the increased volatility of stocks in reaction to happenings in China and speculation about whether or not the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates. The Chinese stock market had been on a tear. In August, the Chinese government thought the economy was not growing fast enough so it…

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Why investng in global markets is important

In times of calm, the rationality of a prudent, long term strategic plan is pretty obvious. However, we can easily be forced out of our comfort zone in the face of unpleasant news. The summer of 2015 is the latest in an extensive list of time periods which provided ample opportunity for short term concern…

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Is it better to leave a 401(k) account with a former employer or roll it over to an IRA?

Making News… We  produce regular Q&A columns for Florida Today and MarketWatch, a personal finance website of the Wall Street Journal, as well as pieces for Financial Advisor magazine and Nerd Wallet among others. Here is a sampling from the last three months. How a mutual fund sale might affect your taxes Is a long-term-care/life-insurance combo better than a straight one? When RMDs start for workers…

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Investments to avoid when interest rates rise

  We proactively seek out the best investment vehicles for our clients’ portfolios. To spur new sales, Wall Street is constantly creating new products or repackaging existing ones, so our search is ongoing. Sometimes their products are useful innovations but most of the time that is not the case, such as in the bond market.…

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Can you count on Social Security?

Many times in life, we find ourselves riled up about a rumor we hear which may or may not be true. Rumors, not facts, raise our blood pressure and make us angry, fearful or worse.  Headlines such as “Financial Outlook Dims For Social Security” and “Social Security Slipping Closer To Insolvency” may have this effect…

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