Should I convert to a Roth IRA?

Making News… We  produce regular Q&A columns for Florida Today and MarketWatch, a personal finance website of the Wall Street Journal, as well as pieces for Financial Advisor magazine, the Journal of Financial Planning, and Nerd Wallet among others. Here is a sampling from the last three months. Roth Conversions You Are Better Off Avoiding Don’t Forfeit 50% of an Inherited Roth IRA to the…

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Understanding capital gain distributions

Capital gain distributions can make a difference to the bottom line of mutual fund investors. The newspaper says fund A made X% while fund B made 1% less. Many people will assume that Investment A was superior.  This is not always the case for several reasons but we will focus on one in particular today…

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Will a stock market correction ruin my financial plan?

September 2014 “With the stock market at an all-time high, a devastating correction is imminent.” This is a common warning these days that has some people nervous about their investments. We have our own warning – don’t be distracted by prognosticators. Stock market corrections are not more likely at market highs. The frequency of declines…

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How to stay happy in retirement

Making News… We  produce regular Q&A columns for Florida Today and MarketWatch, a personal finance website of the Wall Street Journal, as well as pieces for Financial Advisor magazine, the Journal of Financial Planning, and the Winter Park/Maitland Observer among others. Here is a sampling from the last three months. 6 Keys To a Happy Retirement Tax Planning For Retirees Takes Many Forms Can I Write…

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New office in downtown Orlando

Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo has a new Orlando office After 15 years in Maitland, we are moving our Orlando area office. Starting August 1st, we occupy the newly renovated Suite 2025 of the landmark SunTrust Center in downtown Orlando.   Tired of being inundated with financial information and opinion or sales pitches of dubious quality, objectivity,…

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How to prevent identity theft

Are you doing all you can to prevent identity theft? A few simple steps can help. The term “identity theft” encompasses a variety of activities whereby a criminal uses another’s personal information to conduct fraudulent transactions. Although the number of incidents continues to rise, thieves are getting less. According to Experian, a major credit reporting…

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