Can I just live off interest?

Making News… We  produce regular Q&A columns for Florida Today and MarketWatch, a personal finance website of the Wall Street Journal, as well as pieces for Financial Advisor magazine, the Journal of Financial Planning, and Nerd Wallet among others. Here is a sampling from the last three months. How nonworking spouses can contribute to IRAs Investors, remember, trading is not investing How inheriting an IRA affects…

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Will a stock market correction ruin my financial plan?

September 2014 “With the stock market at an all-time high, a devastating correction is imminent.” This is a common warning these days that has some people nervous about their investments. We have our own warning – don’t be distracted by prognosticators. Stock market corrections are not more likely at market highs. The frequency of declines…

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Are investors fleeing stocks?

April 2014 At any given point, there are things that could move markets significantly.  Events in Ukraine come to mind currently.  What is happening there is a serious issue and you probably have an opinion about how it will affect the market.  However, to profit or avoid losses from events in the Ukraine, you have…

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When should you file for Social Security?

Making News… We  produce regular Q&A columns for MarketWatch, a personal finance website of the Wall Street Journal and Florida Today as well as columns to Financial Advisor magazine, the Journal of Financial Planning, and the Winter Park/Maitland Observer among others. Here is a sampling from the last three months. 18 Social Security Surprises Can I…

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How will rising interest rates affect your investments?

Interest Rates and Bond Prices Markets are highly complex and interest rates do not always affect investments the way pundits speculate they will. However, with bond prices, the effect of interest rate changes is in fact both direct and mathematically calculable.To get a bond’s current yield, divide the interest it pays by its current price.…

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Stock market highs: Six things to consider now

December 2013   The U.S. stock market has recently reached all-time highs. Through the Q&As we write for various publications, we hear from a fair amount of people who either do not have an advisor, or their current advisor is not very good. Many seem to think that because we are in uncharted territory, drastic…

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