Decision making in the face of uncertainty

Decision making in the face of uncertainty When markets rise or fall ten percent in a day and your account values oscillate by thousands of dollars along with those shifts, it is easy to become concerned about short term market behavior. Concern would be a perfectly normal reaction. However, what you do with your concern…

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Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo wins prestigious national award

Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo Recognized by Schwab Advisor Services with 2019 Trailblazer IMPACT AwardTM   November 4, 2019 – (Orlando) – Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo, LLC was honored today by Schwab Advisor Services with the 2019 Trailblazer IMPACT AwardTM. The firm was recognized for its efforts to improve the quality of advice, raise the bar for ethics…

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What does an inverted yield curve mean for your investments?

What does an inverted yield curve mean for your investments? The short answer to this question is “almost nothing.” The longer answer is because our clients’ portfolios are well constructed, clients can use this episode to gain more confidence knowing they will make good decisions whenever bad markets arise. What is an inverted yield curve? Most…

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Managing investment taxes

Managing investment taxes Managing investment taxes is an essential part of any good financial plan. For most clients, by far the largest expense incurred during their investment lifetime is income taxes. The goal of one’s tax planning should not be the avoidance of paying taxes per se, as few can do that. The goal should…

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What to expect from financial markets

One of the keys to successful investing is understanding what to expect from financial markets. 2018 marked the first calendar year the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped since 2015. On Christmas Eve, the S&P 500 Index (S&P) was 20% lower (excluding dividends) than its high point. The S&P tracks so-called “blue chip” stocks, stocks of…

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Lessons from the 2008 financial crisis

Lessons from the 2008 financial crisis In September 2008, the brokerage firm Lehman Brothers collapsed due to risky trading in poorly designed securities. This kicked off one of the more dramatic financial crises in American history and what is now referred to as the Great Recession. The 10th anniversary of this event is a natural…

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